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Why I Love Being a Personal Trainer
Chris Egan-Lee • Dec 01, 2023

I often get asked a lot by my clients, family, and friends what I love about personal training I have been doing PT for over 30 years.

The answer is never a short one as I truly LOVE and am PASSIONATE about what I do! Let me list the many reasons why I LOVE my job (in no particular order!)…

  1. I get to meet, interact with, and connect with many different clients everyday! It is so uplifting being a part of someone’s journey to a living a healthier lifestyle.

  2. I get to make positive changes in the lives of my clients and see their transformations over the weeks, months and years.

  3. I can work as many (or as few) hours as I want, I tend to work long days (6 am-7:30 pm) but that is my choice because (again) I love what I do and what to help as many people as I can in a day;)

  4. I work in my own   Realfit PT Studio  which means I have NO excuse to miss my workout…so yep another perk of being a personal trainer is staying in great shape (my clients inspire me to kick my own butt after kicking theirs!)

  5. I train so many amazing people and establish very strong relationship with them. I have become so close with many of my clients that many of them have become good friends!

  6. The ability to use my knowledge, experience, and love of fitness to help enrich somebody else’s life. I’ve had so many clients tell me their favourite part of the day was our session; what a fantastic feeling! Getting that call or sms really makes it so worthwhile.

  7. I look forward to going to work everyday! Not only do I have incredible clients to train everyday but my co workers are so fun to be around.

    We have a blast, no matter what time of day and who is doing what…we are positive, outgoing, active people and we all share a passion for helping others become healthier, I can’t think of a more positive and fun environment? Constant laughter can be heard inside the studio on a regular basis.

  8. I get to wear my favourite gym gear and running shoes to work every day-’nuff said!

  9. Seeing clients’ confidence change as their body changes, they reach their goals and they are proud of what they have accomplished! This is the most rewarding thing for me.

    Sometimes it is hard to remember the shy, insecure, quiet, out of shape and depressed/unhappy person that first walked into the gym after working with someone for months or years and seeing them transform their body, mind and entire being!

I can’t believe how lucky I am to play such a pivotal role in people’s lives🙂

A Rewarding Journey of a Personal Trainer

As I reflect on my journey as a personal trainer, the most rewarding aspect has undoubtedly been the relationships formed and the lives transformed. It’s more than just fitness; it’s about being a guiding light on someone’s path to a healthier, happier self. Each day brings new challenges, but the satisfaction of seeing a client succeed is unparalleled. I look forward to continuing this journey, embracing each opportunity to make a positive impact, and cherishing every moment of this rewarding profession.

If you are looking for a personal trainer in Melbourne please drop into our studio in Malvern , we’d love to say hello.


  1. What Inspired You to Become a Personal Trainer? Answer: My passion for fitness and desire to make a positive impact on others’ lives inspired me to become a personal trainer. It’s incredibly fulfilling to guide people towards their health and fitness goals.
  2. How Do You Keep Your Clients Motivated? Answer: I focus on creating personalized, enjoyable workout plans and celebrating small victories. Building strong relationships and understanding my clients’ individual needs are key to keeping them motivated.
  3. What’s Your Favorite Part of a Typical Training Day? Answer: My favorite part is witnessing clients’ progress and their growing confidence. Whether it’s lifting heavier weights or completing a challenging workout, these moments make every day rewarding.
  4. How Do You Balance Personal and Client Goals? Answer: I prioritize setting realistic goals for both myself and my clients. Time management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are crucial for balancing personal and professional objectives.
  5. What Advice Would You Give to Someone Considering a Career in Personal Training? Answer: Embrace your passion for fitness and be prepared to inspire and support others. It’s a career that requires dedication, patience, and a genuine desire to help people transform their lives.


3 plate with mixed food options to help with food pairing for better fitness and health benefits
By CHRIS EGAN-LEE 06 Feb, 2024
Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash As a dedicated personal trainer, I’ve seen firsthand how the right fuel can transform workouts, recovery, and overall well-being. Nutrition isn’t just about what you eat, but how you combine your foods to unlock their full potential. Beyond the basics, understanding the art and science of food combining can elevate your nutrition strategy from good to exceptional. It’s about creating meals that not only satisfy your taste buds but also maximise your body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients effectively. Let’s dive into the science of food combining and discover how to make your meals work harder for you. By mastering these combinations, you’re not just eating; you’re crafting a diet that propels you towards your fitness goals, supports your body’s natural healing processes, and enhances your overall quality of life.
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In the realm of health and longevity, exercise stands out not just as a routine but as a potent ally against the array of chronic conditions that often accompany aging. Through my journey as a personal trainer, I’ve been privileged to witness firsthand the remarkable transformations that a well-curated exercise regimen can bring into the lives of those battling chronic ailments. This guide is more than just advice; it’s a testament to the undeniable synergy between movement and health, and a roadmap to harnessing this power for your wellbeing.
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Exercise emerges not just as a fitness routine but as a comprehensive wellness tool, particularly in Melbourne’s dynamic lifestyle. It addresses a diverse range of the most common chronic conditions we face as we age. Whether it’s boosting cognitive health, managing joint pain in our bustling city life, or enhancing cardiovascular wellness amidst Melbourne’s unique environment, the benefits of regular physical activity are vast and impactful.


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