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Rithy Touch • Sep 27, 2023

Now that we are well into spring, there’s no better time to lose weight and toning up. 


Did you know why this time of year works better than others?


6 Reasons Spring Is the Best Time of Year to Lose Weight

Here’s what to know about making springtime work in your favour and how we at RealFit can help.

1. Warmer Weather Means Less Hunger

There is a direct link between temperatures and hunger cues. The colder weather leads to a drop in our body temperature, which means our appetites get stimulated as a result. This is because eating helps to generate internal heat, thus leading to a rise in body temperature. With the temperatures rising in spring, it is likely our body will slow down in hunger cravings.

2. Warm Weather Drinks Are Lighter

Similarly linked to temperature is the consumption of hot, heavier and sugary drinks which is one of the delights of winter, however they can add up. Spring brings lighter and cooler drinks to curb cravings without the calories.

3. Healthier Food Comes Easier

Our favourite winter foods tend to be most calorically dense. Although we should all enjoy seasonal favourites, it becomes easier to find lighter foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled dishes and cold salads at spring events and gatherings. This can help you feel more confident going into family gatherings and outings with friends.

4. Spring Brings Better Mood

Winter can be long and hard for many people and it’s normal to crave heavy, fatty foods in order to cope with the colder temperatures and reduced sunlight. This can lead to lead to feelings of self-negativity and guilt. In the spring, you’ll likely enjoy a more positive outlook and be less hard on yourself, making it easier to stick to your weight loss or management plan.

5. Vitamin D Helps

The benefits of the sunshine vitamin are no secret. Besides boosting mood and promoting calcium absorption, studies have shown that vitamin D may also aid in weight loss. Higher levels of vitamin D may also be related to increased levels of testosterone. This is a well-known hormone that promotes muscle mass, strength, and flexibility. It’s also thought to rev up metabolism, which could help you burn more calories. 

6. You’ll Burn More Calories in Warmer

Weather It’s easier to burn calories while exercising in warm temperatures versus cold ones. That’s because your body works harder to stay cool in hot weather, increasing its energy expenditure. Just make sure to be mindful and not overdo any intensive exercise in hot weather for safety reasons.

We hope you learnt a little bit on why spring is the best time of year to begin or restart your health and fitness journey. If you need a bit more help with a personalised one-on-one training schedule and motivation, join our ‘Realfit Personal Training Gym East Malvern ‘ and connect with people just like you. Click here to join

Book a free 15 minute consult – this is a 15 minute call or in-gym visit where we’ll plan out how you can get the results you want. Call Chris and the RealFit Team on 0409 229 911 today.


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